Unit 13 : FMP

Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work* and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself

Task 1 : Project Proposal

My Project Proposal & Treatment are stated below in the form of a document.

Project Proposal : Google Doc

Treatment - Atomic Tangerine : Google Doc

Task 2 : Research

Linked below is also a Research google drive folder that both me and Harry (my teammate) have added too that also included the documents that are listed below.

Research : Google Folder

Here is my own ideas that I had in mind for the film, this is a rough outline as to what I wanted to create for the final project.

Short film research : Google Doc

This is some research I did watching other short films.

My short film ideas : Google Doc

Below is links to individual documents that store any research to do with the visual & content style of the film we wish to create.

Scene Inspiration : Google Doc

This is our detailed greenlight pitch that we presented.

Greenlight Pitch : Google Slides

Task 3 : Planning

The folder below shows specifically the Pre-Production process.

Pre-Production files : Google Folder

The folder below shows any documentation I have made for myself to do with the production of the FMP.

My personal FMP files : Google Folder

The folder below shows any documentation me and my teammate have created throughout the Pre-Production, Production & Post-Production processes.

Group FMP Files : Google Folder

Task 4 : Production

Below is a production diary showing what our team did on each day also noting big decisions that were made on various dates.

Production Diary : Google Doc

Photos from our production will be listed below within the google folder. 

Production Photos : Google Folder

Below is our Final Film Timeline :

Below is our film that we have created using all the above documentation to help support our production.

Atomic Tangerine : YouTube Video

While working on my own production I also assisted Alfie & Hollie on their production, I was the On Hand Production Supervisor, my role was to assist Alfie or Hollie in whatever they needed, weather this was camera operating or giving my opinion, this was what they asked me to do and they appreciated my help, I did assist with continuity as well as time management due to some actors needing to go at certain times so they had pressure to finish by a set time rather than just being able to get it done reasonably, so I was keeping time all while ensuring everything was going smoothly. Below is some photos from that day:

Photos from Alfie & Hollie's Production : Google Folder

Task 5 : Evaluation

Discussing the Film Festival

Leading up to the film festival me and Harry played key roles in the organisation of the event as well as setting various things up that would be the core foundation of the event.

Specifically I made and created a system for members of the public to book tickets to attend the film festival, Harry assisted me with this, we both made daily amendments to the various spreadsheets we had to keep everything in order. A few weeks before the event we started making all the marketing posts that would be posted in the lead up to the event, I wanted to make sure that we had ample content to post for the event to ensure there was frequent activity on social platforms, by doing this we sold tickets periodically and at bulk when we announced the event, this meant we had a lot of people attend the event. I also made sure we had a schedule on google calendar shared with Harry, this is where we would know and keep track of all the marketing posts, this way we knew what was next and what needed to be done if anything just at a glance of the calendar, definitely a major improvement was using the calendar as it made the marketing posts a breeze.

The event was a screening of all the final major projects, we were able to watch all the films that the first years and second years made, this was to show off what we were able to make in the year, as well as showing our abilities in filmmaking to those who know the subtleties in creation and how the minorities can change the dynamic of the film, it was a fun project to work on as well as organising such an event with all those involved.

My Evaluation for Atomic Tangerine

All pre-production paperwork that me & Harry used to plan this production really helped in the moments while filming as this kept us on track at all times and as efficient as possible.

Overall the final film has went really well, the planning corresponded directly into the filming process and without all the hard work before hand we would not have been able to get as much done as we did in that amount of time. We definitely got things done at a quicker pace but this was just down to the organisation factor, the script and story board were really important and had a lot of use throughout the filming process, I'm glad both me and Harry spent extra time on these documents to further support the production as this allowed us to be more efficient on set.

Regarding the filming process, from start to finish, everything went amazing. The filming days were longer than most others but this allowed us to be on set at each location for a solid day rather than having multiple short days, this helped massively with continuity especially within public places and using equipment / vehicles that were reliant on a third party like the boat. We had just one day with them rather than two, this helped as everything was the same throughout the scene on the boat rather than having a different seating orientation or captain that day.

The final film is really really good, I'm super happy with the end result and so is Harry. Collectively we both agree that we tried our hardest and put our everything into this production from start to finish, we had long hard days and tough days but it all paid off in the end, I watch the film and still cannot believe its ours, from the cinematography & production quality, everything is so on point and it makes me so happy to say its one of my productions, and I'm sure Harry will agree with me on this too. 

Moving forwards to progression, one of the main things I will improve on for myself is that when it comes to Directing cast it would be more beneficial to be more direct with them and tell / show them exactly what we need rather than working with it, this is because sometimes throughout the edit it wasn't exactly what we wanted but it worked. 


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