
Unit 13 : FMP

Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work* and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself Task 1 : Project Proposal My Project Proposal & Treatment are stated below in the form of a document. Project Proposal :   Google Doc Treatment - Atomic Tangerine :   Google Doc Task 2 : Research Linked below is also a Research google drive folder that both me and Harry (my teammate) have added too that also included the documents that are listed below. Research :   Google Folder Here is my own ideas that I had in mind for the film, this is a rough outline as to what I wanted to create for the final project. Short film research  :   Google Doc This is some research I did watching other short films. My short film ideas  :   Google Doc Below is links to individual documents that store any research to do with the visual & content style of the film we wish to create. Scene Inspiration  :   G...

Unit 12 : Feature Film

Task 1 : Research Task 1.1 Research About My Role :   Google Doc Fact Sheet :   Google PDF Task 1.2 Below is my letter of application as well as my media cv, these two documents will allow me to apply for my job role of choice which is "Assistant Producer & Location Manager". Letter Of Application :   Google Doc Media CV :   Google PDF Task 1.3 Detailed Research on the coming of age drama. The "Coming of age drama" is a genre of film & other areas, but focusing on the film side, coming of age dramas focus on Childhood to Adulthood, the transition through life and what happens in those years. We go on a journey with the character throughout these years through hard & difficult times, this could be the classic "not fitting in" at Highschool and being upset about it but then the person who is not fitting in actually becomes the main focus in the school and is no longer the "odd one out" due to the fact they go through a change that makes...

Unit 10 : Documentary / Factual Filmmaking

Pre - Production Lesson Work Any work completed in lesson that isn't categorised is linked below. Lesson Notes -   Google Doc Research The initial research that was completed was a look into the potential ideas of  Research File   -   Google Doc Pitch Presentation Presentation: We have multiple documents in the google drive folder showing all the different documents we made and these are what we used to show Kane our ideas and progress on anything we were developing. Our ideas started off strong however we had many obstacles ahead of us, the initial idea was to create a documentary about Go-Karting and how it can help people physically, mentally & socially. We also looked into what people can achieve from it (Moving into car racing, F1 etc). This unfortunately came to a close after having a discussion with the general manager, we found out that the price would outweigh the reasoning to do the idea as it would roughly cost £960 for only 3 hours filming on 1 ...