Unit 13 : FMP
Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work* and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself Task 1 : Project Proposal My Project Proposal & Treatment are stated below in the form of a document. Project Proposal : Google Doc Treatment - Atomic Tangerine : Google Doc Task 2 : Research Linked below is also a Research google drive folder that both me and Harry (my teammate) have added too that also included the documents that are listed below. Research : Google Folder Here is my own ideas that I had in mind for the film, this is a rough outline as to what I wanted to create for the final project. Short film research : Google Doc This is some research I did watching other short films. My short film ideas : Google Doc Below is links to individual documents that store any research to do with the visual & content style of the film we wish to create. Scene Inspiration : G...